The February Cork City Sports Monthly Award goes to Michael Healy (Youghal A.C.). Competing at the National Indoor Senior Championships held at the Sport Ireland National Indoor Arena Michael recorded a very deserved victory in the Men’s 56lb for distance event. His gold medal winning throw was 8.21m.
At the River Lee Hotel Michael Healy, Youghal A.C. receives the Cork City Sports Athlete of the Month award for February L to R., Frank Walley CCS, Eoghan Dinan, The Echo, kieran McGeary 96FM C103, Claire Myler, The Rver Lee and Tony O’Connell CCS.
At the River Lee Hotel Michael Healy ( Youghal A.C. ) receives the Cork City Sports Athlete of the Month Award for February 2022. L to R. Donal Murnane CCS, liam O’Brien CCS, Kieran Mc Geary CE Cork 96fm C103, Eoghan dinan, The Echo /Examiner Tony O’Connell Chairman CCS Claire meyler, the River Lee, Frank Walley CCS and Terry o’Rourke CCS. Picture, martin Collins.