Without support and sponsorship the International Athletics meet held in Cork every year for the past 65 years could not take place. The Cork City Sports Committee are very grateful for the support received from The Irish Sports Council, Athletics Ireland, Cork City Council & Cork County Council. Their continued involvement displays the importance of this international athletics meet to the sporting community and the local authorities.
Sponsorship from local business is also crucial to the hosting of the Cork City Sports and we are delighted to have the continued support of; Centra, SuperValue, Cork Airport, TQS Engineering, Henry Ford & Sons, John Buckley Sports, DPS Engineering, CETB, Barrys Tea, LeisureWorld, FMC International, AON Hewitt, Johnson & Perrott Motor Group & The River Lee Hotel.
Cork City Sports are delighted to announce new sponsors for this years meet; Tyco, Mater Private, Evros , O’Leary Insurance Group & AIB and look forward to their involvement for years to come.